Monday, April 12, 2010

'Go screw yourself Apple': Adobe evangelist - Software - News

For telcos, iPhone OS 4 just twists the knife - Full Duplex - Blogs

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This is a fascinating war.  Its beginning to look as though Apple are taking on all the other hardware manufacturers and telcos.  The iPhone and iPad are such closed environments that other phone and computer manufacturers will have to either use Android or Windows (probably more Android in the mobile world) to make a buck and now the Telcos will have to do the same.  So it may become Apple against the world a battle I don't think they can win.

Posted via email from Jeremy's posterous

Friday, April 9, 2010

Factors to Success as an Artist


An excerpt from Chapter 21


These five factors came about by studying successful artists’ approaches to daily tasks.

1. Continually contact people
Make it an aim to call four people a day—whether they be new prospects or current clients. It’s guaranteed that not only will you become quite good and efficient on the phone, but your business will flourish, Clients are the mainstay of any business. To call four people a day could take 15 minutes. Don’t make them long conversations; in fact, they should be short, with a specific aim in mind. You could ask for referrals, invite the person to visit a future opening or exhibit, invite him to your studio to see your new series of work, thank her for a recent purchase. Be creative!
Add to this list four post cards and you have eight contacts a day to get a total of 40 contacts a week! If you try this for two months, you will be amazed at how your sales increase.
2. Follow-up
Not only do successful artists follow up after they send out a portfolio, but they follow up even if theyreceive a rejection. This means that they send out a postcard with one of their images on it, photo print, announcement of an exhibition, whatever it is—at least every 6-12 months to all prospective clients and galleries and to former purchasers. The rule in direct marketing is: you must contact people three times before they respond! As an artist you won’t have a huge mailing list; it will be quite intimate, perhaps 100-400, so the cost to do a mailing is not overwhelming.
3. Use innovative marketing
Successful artists are always thinking of innovative ways to market. They are willing to take a risk if they feel a new idea might work. For instance, new places to exhibit—an orchid show, an interior designer show, a real estate show, a music conference, a sci-fi convention—whatever they think might work for them! Presentation is always consistent and top-notch, of course.
4. Press coverage
Successful artists consistently receive press coverage. Although she might not get direct sales from this press coverage, a successful artist knows that in the long run it means many people see her name, artwork and progression over the years. This means a lot to potential buyers. It also means that the newspaper/magazine approves of you. Name recognition is of the greatest importance in any business.
5. Long-term goals
All the successful artists I know have had long-term goals. This means they did not make it overnight. They planned and strategized and suffered to get where they are today in the marketplace. They never gave up. They knew their aim, and they knew there would be down periods, as in all businesses. Aims and goals are the mainstay of any business. You are in business, and you must have a business attitude to win at marketing!

Read more, order Art Marketing 101, 3rd Edition


Published by ArtNetwork

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Posted via email from Jeremy's posterous

Monday, April 5, 2010

Society will no longer tolerate hypocritical priests abusing power | The Australian

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I don't know if anybody else is interested in this but I think it is an excellent commentary on the sexual drives of men and the impact of the changes that have taken place in the last 50 years. There is a lot more to be said on this subject......Jeremy

Posted via email from Jeremy's posterous