Saturday, May 4, 2013

'Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls' 90x90 cms oil on canvas . 
This is part of a series of paintings inspired by Tim Winton's wonderful book 'Cloud Street' This is about Geraldton in the chapter 'The Shifty Shadow is Lurking' "Rose Pickles knew something bad was going to happen. Something really bad, this time. She itched in her awful woollen bathing suit and watched her brothers and a whole mob of other kids chucking bombies off the end of the jetty in the bronze evening light. Fishing boats were coming in along the breakwater for the night, their diesels throbbing like blood. Back under the Norfolk pines gulls bickered on the grass and fought for the scraps of uneaten lunches that the schoolkids had thrown there. The sun was in the sea. She stood up and called. Ted! Chub! Carn, it's late!"
#painting #holiday #thailand
Visit our art and photography guest house in NE Thailand
by Jeremy Holton

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